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Why Is It So Hard to Find a Job? 5 Reasons and How to Overcome Them

Job markets evolve, influenced by economic shifts, technological advancements, and societal changes. Understanding this dynamic landscape is the first step in overcoming the challenges that may arise during your quest for employment. Securing meaningful employment has become more challenging, with job seekers facing various hurdles.

The journey from submitting applications to securing a position has become increasingly challenging. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the difficulty of finding a job and provide actionable tips on overcoming these challenges.

why is it so hard to find a job

Impact of Technology on Job Availability

Integrating automation and artificial intelligence has significantly altered the availability and nature of jobs. Companies increasingly adopt advanced technologies to streamline processes, leading to opportunities and challenges for job seekers.

As technology advances, specific traditional roles are automated, reducing the demand for manual labor in repetitive tasks. The rise of automation, driven by artificial intelligence and robotics, has altered the traditional employment landscape. Certain routine and repetitive tasks are now being performed more efficiently by machines, leading to a shift in job requirements and potential displacement in specific sectors.

Positions that once relied on manual efforts seek candidates who can work alongside automated systems or even manage them. Active engagement in learning technological skills becomes essential to remain relevant and appealing to employers.

So, the impact of technology on job availability is twofold: specific jobs may diminish due to automation, while new opportunities emerge in technology-driven fields. Job seekers navigating this landscape must proactively acquire and showcase relevant technological skills to stay ahead in the competitive job market.

Global Economic Factors Affecting Job Opportunities

Local conditions do not just influence the job market; they are intricately connected to the global economy. Understanding how global economic factors impact job opportunities is crucial for job seekers navigating today’s competitive landscape.

. Economic Recession

Economic recessions on a global scale can lead to a reduction in job openings. During economic downturns, companies may tighten their budgets, freeze hiring, or even implement layoffs to cut costs. This creates a challenging environment for job seekers as the overall demand for labor diminishes.

. Fluctuations in Currency

Fluctuations in currency values and trade tensions between nations can have ripple effects on job markets. Industries heavily reliant on international trade may experience shifts in demand, affecting the availability of jobs. Job seekers must be aware of these global economic dynamics when considering industries and sectors for their job search.

. Technological Advancement

Furthermore, advancements in technology and communication have facilitated the outsourcing of specific job functions to countries with lower labor costs. This globalization of job functions means that some positions may be moved to locations where labor is more economical, impacting job availability in specific regions.

. Economic Growth 

On a positive note, economic growth in emerging markets can create new job opportunities. As certain countries experience development and increased consumer spending, industries such as manufacturing, services, and technology may see expansion, leading to a demand for skilled workers.

In conclusion, the global economy is a dynamic force that significantly influences job opportunities. Job seekers should watch international economic trends, as they can provide insights into the health of specific industries and the overall job market. Adapting to the ever-changing global economic landscape is essential for staying resilient in pursuing meaningful employment.

Reasons for Difficulty in Finding a Job

Searching through the job market can be challenging, and several factors contribute to many individuals’ difficulty finding employment. Here are five key reasons that make the job search a demanding process:

. Increasing Competition

The increased competition emphasizes showcasing unique skills and qualifications that set candidates apart. Increasing competition has become a prevalent challenge in the job search landscape, shaping recruitment dynamics and placing added hurdles on securing meaningful employment. Let’s dissect the factors contributing to this rising competition and explore strategies to navigate this formidable challenge.

To successfully search in this competitive field, job seekers must tailor their resumes and cover letters to highlight their strengths and achievements. Additionally, actively networking and building professional connections can provide valuable opportunities that may not be advertised publicly.

So,  the rising number of job seekers emphasizes the need for strategic and personalized approaches to the job search process.


Here are effective ways to overcome the challenges posed by increasing competition:

. Customize Your Resumes and Cover Letters

Customize your application materials for each job by highlighting specific skills and experiences relevant to the position. A tailored approach demonstrates a genuine interest in the role and increases the likelihood of standing out.

. Showcase Unique Skills and Achievements

Identify and emphasize your unique skills and achievements that set you apart from other candidates. Whether it’s a specialized certification or a notable accomplishment, showcasing what makes you unique can capture the attention of employers.

. Networking and Professional Connections

Actively engage in networking both online and offline. Attend industry events, join professional groups, and connect with professionals in your field. Personal connections can open doors to opportunities that may be private.

. Job Mismatch and Skill Gap

This challenge is exacerbated by the dynamic nature of industries, where emerging technologies and changing market demands continually shape the skill landscape. Job seekers must navigate this evolving terrain by identifying areas where their skills may need enhancement and staying informed about the evolving requirements of their desired roles.

So, job mismatch and skill gaps are essential for individuals seeking employment. Recognizing the importance of aligning one’s skills with the job market demands is a crucial step toward a successful job search.


Overcoming the job mismatch and skill gap challenge requires a strategic and proactive approach. Here are ways to address this hurdle in the job-finding process:

. Self-Assessment:

Conduct a thorough self-assessment to identify your current skills and qualifications. Understand the skills required in your desired field and compare them to your existing skill set.

. Identify Skill Gaps:

Recognize the gaps between the skills you possess and those demanded by employers. This awareness is crucial for targeted skill development.

. Continuous Learning:

Engage in continuous learning to acquire the skills in demand. Attend workshops, enroll in courses, and seek opportunities for hands-on experience to bridge identified skill gaps.

. Economic Downturns and Job Scarcity

Economic downturns present a significant hurdle in the job-finding process, creating an environment of job scarcity. During these periods, businesses may experience financial challenges, leading to cost-cutting measures that often include hiring freezes and layoffs.

The ripple effects of economic instability impact various industries, resulting in reduced job openings and heightened competition among job seekers. Companies facing financial uncertainty adopt a cautious approach to hiring. 

Freeze on recruitment, delayed hiring decisions, and a preference for maintaining existing workforce stability contribute to a scarcity of job openings. Retail, hospitality, and manufacturing sectors often need more job availability as consumer spending contracts and businesses scale back operations.


Addressing these challenges during economic downturns and periods of job scarcity requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here are ways to navigate the hurdles presented by economic downturns:

. Financial Planning:

Create a robust financial plan to sustain yourself during periods of job scarcity. Having savings and a budget can provide a financial buffer during uncertainties.

. Diversify Skill Set:

Enhance your skill set to become more versatile and adaptable. Acquiring a broader skill set increases your marketability across different industries and roles.

. Networking:

Strengthen your professional network to stay informed about potential opportunities. Networking can uncover hidden job openings and provide valuable insights during challenging economic times.

. Lack of Networking

The absence of a robust professional network poses a significant hurdle in the job-finding process. Networking goes beyond submitting applications; it involves building and maintaining relationships with professionals in your industry.

Job seekers lacking a strong network may miss out on valuable opportunities often discovered through referrals and recommendations. Networking provides insights into the hidden job market, where positions may not be publicly advertised.

Professionals actively engaging in networking events, industry meet-ups, and online platforms like LinkedIn are likelier to discover job openings and connect with key decision-makers. In contrast, individuals with a limited network may need to be made aware of potential opportunities or face challenges in accessing insider information.


To overcome the challenge of a limited professional network, consider the following strategies:

. Attend Networking Events:

Actively participate in industry-specific networking events, conferences, and seminars. These gatherings provide opportunities to connect with professionals and expand your network.

. Utilize Online Platforms:

Leverage online networking platforms, especially LinkedIn, to connect with professionals in your field. Engage in discussions, share insights, and build relationships with industry peers.

. Join Professional Associations:

Become a member of professional associations related to your industry. Membership often grants access to exclusive events and networking opportunities.

. Technological Advancements

Technological advancements, while driving progress, present a unique hurdle in the job-finding process. Automation and artificial intelligence are reshaping industries, leading to a transformation in available jobs.

Certain traditional roles are becoming automated, requiring individuals to adapt and acquire new skills to stay relevant. The rise of technology means that job seekers must navigate a landscape where certain positions may be replaced by machines or require collaboration with advanced technologies.

The shift to digital application processes, while streamlining recruitment for employers, can be a hurdle for job seekers. Automated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) may unintentionally filter out resumes that don’t precisely match predetermined criteria, potentially disadvantaging qualified candidates.


Consider the following strategies for solving this problem:

. Continuous Learning:

Embrace a mindset of continuous learning to stay updated on emerging technologies. Engage in online courses, workshops, and training programs to acquire new skills.

. Tech-Specific Certifications:

Obtain certifications in relevant technologies to showcase proficiency to potential employers. Certifications serve as tangible evidence of your ability to adapt to technological changes.

. Networking with Tech Professionals:

Expand your professional network by connecting with individuals in the technology industry. Networking provides insights into the latest tech trends and potential job opportunities.

Networking with Tech Professionals


While each hurdle presents its unique complexities, addressing them strategically positions individuals to navigate the competitive job market effectively. To streamline your job search process and overcome these challenges, consider utilizing the iApply platform. 

iApply provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to tailor your applications, connect with industry professionals, and stay informed about the latest job opportunities. 

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