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How to Delete a Resume from LinkedIn?

Are you skeptical about figuring out how to delete a resume from LinkedIn? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Many people want to erase a rĂŠsumĂŠ from LinkedIn but are unsure how to do so.

Fortunately, the procedure is rather basic and can be finished in a few easy stages. This post will review the steps needed to delete a LinkedIn rĂŠsumĂŠ.

How to Delete a Resume on LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Tutorial with Pictures

1.Log in toLinkedin– Click Linkedin to log in to Linkedin.


2.Click the “me” button next to your profile picture.


3.Choose Settings and Privacy from the menu.

You will now be sent to the privacy and settings page.

4.Click the Data privacy option on the dashboard’s settings and privacy page.


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