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what makes you unique interview question

How to Answer the “What Makes You Unique?” Interview Question

One question often stands out as compelling and challenging: “What makes you unique?” Answering this inquiry requires more than just reciting qualifications—it requires thoughtful exploration of individuality. 

Employers pose this question to unearth qualities beyond the resume, seeking insights into your character, skills, and what sets you apart from other candidates. This is your chance to shine and let your excellent qualities sparkle. In this guide, we’re breaking down how to tackle this question in super easy language. 

Get ready to impress and show them why you’re the one-of-a-kind person they’ve been looking for! 

what makes you unique interview question

Why Prepare for an Interview?

Preparation instills confidence. Knowing you’ve done your homework boosts your self-assurance, making you more poised and ready to tackle any question that comes your way. An interview is your stage to shine. Preparation lets you showcase your skills, experiences, and personality in the best light, leaving a lasting and positive impression on the interviewer.

When you prepare, you can tailor your responses to the job’s requirements. This customization demonstrates your genuine interest and understanding of the role. Tough questions are inevitable. Preparation equips you with responses to challenging queries, ensuring you handle them gracefully and instead of feeling caught off guard.

Tips for Answering the Question: What Makes You Unique

Here are some tips to help you navigate this query with confidence and showcase the fantastic qualities that make you, well, uniquely you:

. Understand the Question

To tackle this question effectively, first, understand its underlying intent. It’s not an invitation for generic responses; it’s a chance to showcase your individuality. Employers aim to gauge your self-awareness, creativity, and suitability.

Identify the key traits and skills the company values. Look beyond the obvious job requirements and consider adaptability, innovation, or leadership qualities. Your response should align with these sought-after attributes.

This question is an opportunity to communicate what you bring to the table and how your unique qualities will contribute to the success of the team and the organization. Approach it as a chance to stand out, showcasing your authentic self and leaving a lasting impression on the interviewer.

. Self Reflection

Before stepping into the interview room, take a moment for self-reflection. This step is crucial in crafting a genuine and compelling response to the “What Makes You Unique?” question. Reflect on both your personal and professional journey. Identify key achievements that highlight your capabilities and uniqueness.

Connect your unique qualities to the requirements of the job. Think about how your strengths align with the employer you are seeking in a candidate. This alignment is the cornerstone of a persuasive response.

Remember, self-awareness is your ally. Acknowledge areas where you excel and how these strengths contribute to your effectiveness in the workplace. This self-aware approach helps you answer the question confidently and leaves a positive impression on the interviewer.

Self-reflection is the groundwork for presenting your authentic self. It ensures that your response is not just a recitation of skills but a genuine expression of what makes you the ideal candidate for the job.

. Showcase Your Skills

When answering the “What Makes You Unique?” question, it’s time to highlight your skills in a way that resonates with the employer.

Start by identifying the specific skills relevant to the job. Whether it’s leadership, problem-solving, or communication, pinpoint the strengths that make you an asset. Be concrete and avoid generic terms.

Once you’ve identified these skills, provide examples to back them up. Share specific instances where your skills led to success or positively impacted a project. Quantifiable results add weight to your claims. This storytelling approach makes your response more engaging and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on the interviewer.

. Personal Storytelling

Elevate your response to the “What Makes You Unique?” question by incorporating the power of personal storytelling. Instead of merely stating your strengths, weave them into a narrative that resonates with the interviewer.

Share a specific personal or professional experience where your uniqueness shone through. Narrate the challenges you faced, the actions you took, and the positive outcomes. This approach humanizes your response, making it more relatable and memorable.

Connect your personal story to the skills and qualities the employer values. For example, if teamwork is crucial, share an experience that showcases your collaborative nature. Make the connection explicit to emphasize the relevance of your story.

Avoid generic anecdotes; aim for stories that highlight your growth and adaptability. Discussing how you overcame obstacles or learned from experiences adds depth to your response. It’s not just about your accomplishments but how they reflect your unique qualities.

. Research About the Company

Explore the company’s website, mission statement, and recent news. Understand the culture, industry position, and any unique initiatives they undertake. This knowledge forms the basis for showcasing how your uniqueness complements the company.

Highlight aspects of the company that resonate with you. Is it their commitment to innovation, diversity, or community impact? Connect these aspects to your values and strengths, demonstrating that you’re not just a candidate but someone genuinely interested in contributing to the company’s success.

By incorporating company-specific details, you show that your uniqueness is not a one-size-fits-all response but a tailored fit for this organization. This level of preparation not only impresses the interviewer but also signals your genuine interest in being an integral part of the company’s journey.

Research About the Company

. Be Authentic

Authenticity is your greatest ally when tackling the “What Makes You Unique?” question. Avoid providing generic answers and focus on being genuine about your strengths and experiences.

Share your true self, acknowledging both strengths and areas for growth. Authenticity builds trust with the interviewer and sets you apart from candidates who offer rehearsed responses. Be sincere in discussing what makes you stand out.

Steer clear of clichés. Instead of using buzzwords, delve into specific examples that illustrate your uniqueness. Explain how these examples have shaped your approach to work and problem-solving. Real-life scenarios add substance to your response.

Embrace your individuality. Your unique qualities are what makes you valuable to the company. Don’t shy away from expressing how your distinct perspective, skills, or experiences contribute to a dynamic and effective team.

Remember, authenticity resonates. Interviewers can often discern genuine responses from rehearsed ones. Being authentic not only helps you answer the question more effectively but also leaves a lasting impression that extends beyond the interview room.

. Unique Achievements

Distinguish yourself in the “What Makes You Unique?” response by spotlighting your unique achievements. Move beyond standard accomplishments and showcase instances that truly set you apart.

Identify achievements that align with the job requirements. These could be unconventional successes, innovative projects, or challenges you tackled uniquely. Pinpoint how these achievements demonstrate your ability to bring a fresh perspective to the role.

Quantify your achievements when possible. Numbers and tangible results add credibility to your claims. Whether improving efficiency, boosting sales, or leading a successful team project, provide specifics highlighting your impact.

Illustrate how your unique achievements contribute to the success of a team or organization. Emphasize what you’ve accomplished individually and how your unique approach benefits the company’s collective goals.

You paint a vivid picture of your value by showcasing these unique accomplishments. It’s not just about meeting expectations; it’s about exceeding them to reflect your distinct skills and contributions.

. Future Contributions

When addressing the “What Makes You Unique?” question, don’t just focus on the past—paint a picture of how your uniqueness will contribute to the company’s future success.

Express your commitment to making a positive impact. Discuss how your unique qualities position you as an asset for the company’s growth and development. Emphasize that you’re not just a candidate for now but someone with a long-term perspective.

Align your future contributions with the company’s goals. Illustrate how your skills and innovative thinking are relevant to current needs and vital for the company’s strategic objectives. This alignment showcases your forward-thinking approach.

Highlight your adaptability. Explain how your unique qualities equip you to navigate challenges and contribute to the company’s resilience in an ever-evolving business landscape. Companies value candidates who can thrive in change.

Ultimately, convey that your uniqueness is an immediate benefit and an ongoing asset. Fueled by your distinctive qualities, your future contributions position you as a valuable investment for the company’s continued success.

Future Contributions

. Practice Your Response

Before the interview, practice your response to the “What Makes You Unique?” question. The practice cultivates confidence and ensures you deliver a polished and articulate answer.

Rehearse your response aloud. Pay attention to your tone, pacing, and clarity. Speaking your answer helps you identify areas for improvement and enhances your overall delivery.

Enlist a friend or family member for a mock interview. Their feedback provides valuable insights into how your response is perceived. Use their input to refine your answer and address any potential areas of confusion.

Focus on being concise. Aim for a response that effectively communicates your uniqueness within a reasonable time frame. Avoid excessive details that may dilute the impact of your message.

Practice in front of a mirror to observe your body language. Non-verbal cues contribute to the overall impression you leave. Ensure your posture, gestures, and facial expressions align with the confidence and authenticity of your response.


In conclusion, answering the “What Makes You Unique?” interview question is an opportunity to showcase your strengths and leave a lasting impression on potential employers. 

Don’t let your skills and qualities go unnoticed. Seize the opportunity to stand out in your job search by applying for positions that align with your strengths. Craft customized responses with iApply for each application, showcasing your uniqueness in a way that resonates with potential employers. Your genuine and compelling answers will undoubtedly set you apart in the competitive job market. 

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