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Fresh Graduates Guide: Apply for Jobs Online

In this digital era, you cannot count on traditional ways to find a job as a fresh graduate. Employers are now listing jobs online; and not knowing how to optimize your job application and apply for job vacancies on the internet, you will miss many job opportunities that can add to your professional career path.

The process of applying for a job can differ from one employer to another, but there are basic things all employers have in common; you need to master these to nail any online job application.

We will brief you on the fundamentals of applying for jobs online and teach you how to find a job using the internet.

How to Find a Job Online?

Applying for jobs online is easy and a little tricky as well; all you need is an internet connection, a computer or a mobile phone, and an e-mail. With these in hand, you will enjoy a world of possibilities and job opportunities and successfully kick off your career as a fresh graduate.

Here are the steps you need to follow when applying for jobs online:

Update Your Resume

Your resume is a determining factor; will you get an interview or not? The answer to that question depends on how professional your resume seems to the employer.

Your resume must include your updated contact information, education, employment history, training, and skills. Avoid uncluttered designs; simplicity is the key here. Choose a minimalist design that highlights your key information without distracting the reader.

Craft a Killer Cover Letter

The way you write your resume is crucial, but writing a perfect cover can be as important, if not more important. Your cover letter plays a major role in making you visible to employers, granting you an interview, and eventually helping you find the professional job you have been searching for.

Avoid writing a generic letter; make it job-oriented. You probably have a position in mind, so write about what makes you the perfect fit for any job opportunity related to that position.

If you have any experience related to that position, whether it was an internship or some courses you took before, mention this in the cover letter to prove your eligibility.

Your Profile Must Promote “You”

Online job portals such as iApply give you a great opportunity to promote yourself and your skills to be seen by recruiters. But to get the most of an online job portal, you need to build your profile in a way that will appeal to employers.

A recruiter will skim through your profile, looking for specific keywords. These include the field of study and skills. Study the professional field you are interested in carefully and look at the way companies in this field write their job offerings. You will find similar requirements between companies in the same field. This will help to find the keywords you must include.

Your Profile Picture and things you post on your social profile are also crucial. Employers will look at things you post and how you react to things around you to see what kind of a person you are and decide whether you are a cultural fit for the company.

Why iApply?

Once you take care of the things we mentioned above, your part is done. iApply will be responsible for applying for professional jobs  on your behalf that suit your skills and requirements and help with your career search.

Using advanced AI technologies, we will apply for jobs on your behalf and help you find the best ones for you, based on your job preferences and the information you provided.

With our AI-powered online job portal, you get to pick up to 3 job titles and 3 countries. This will enable you to find job opportunities in countries all over the world, including the UAE, KSA, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, USA, UK, Canada, Australia and others.


Applying for jobs online can be a bit tricky. iApply have some tips for you to help you land on the job of your dreams. Discover more.